‘Gotham’ – Semi-Review and Next Week’s Preview

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Last night was the premiere of Gotham and I enjoyed it. I’m going to try to not be spoiler-y in this post, but I can’t promise that the next episode I’ll do the same.

My thoughts? During my first watch, I felt that I put the show on too high of a pedestal, so I had to remember that this is only THE FIRST EPISODE. During the second watch, I was fine when I immersed myself in to the noir storyline. It DID introduce tons of characters from the comic book, setting the stage as soon as possible. I’m all for accepting Ben McKenzie‘s straight-edged portrayal of Detective James Gordon. In fact, I am looking forward to see if Gordon will bend some rules for the well-being of others. I gotta admit, when it comes to the world of fictional heroes letting the villains live to destroy another day, I roll my eyes when they don the white hat crusade instead of eliminating the threat. Our particular hero doesn’t know what he has done yet, so I have to forgive and accept his morals.

Three things that I thought about while watching the show:

1) I hope I will adore Selina Kyle and Ivy Pepper.

I don’t have any evidence (yet) that says this will point to the opposite direction of what I want, but still. I want to say it out loud so the universe can hear me, please let these two characters rule. I’ll have a better idea next week, with the episode titled “Selina Kyle.”

2) Woah. A TON of characters  in this first episode!


Source: Ohawkguy

I didn’t think that would happen so fast. I thought they would dole them out as the season progressed, so this gave me some whiplash.

3) Don’t fuck with Jada Pinkett Smith aka Fish Mooney.

Seriously. Don’t mess with her. Fish will force you to give her a pedicure, but if you get polish on the side of her toes, be prepared for that nail file to stick out of your eye. On the plus side, it’ll be a neat Halloween costume!

Next week’s preview:


During SDCC 2014, my friends and I got a chance to meet David Mazouz aka Young Bruce Wayne! The 13 year-old is incredibly sweet. He was happily interacting with all the fans, took many pictures, making sure to give everyone around a moment of his time. What a cutie! Here’s a picture of my friend Patty with David!


Until next week’s review!